Thursday, September 18, 2014

Who is the real enemy?

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."  Marcellus in "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare

Well, now.  That sure is a pleasant way to start a conversation.  But we have to have it.  Many in the Body of Christ believe we are witnessing Biblical prophesy being fulfilled - that of the apostasy Paul foretold in the Word.  The Church is rotting from the inside out.  "Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."  2 Thess. 2:3

Just exactly as God said through Paul, more and more Christians have tossed discernment to the wind and are giving heed to seducing spirits.  "Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to deceitful spirits, and doctrines of demons."  I  Tim. 4:1

Rather than meticulously examine the backgrounds and doctrine of so-called teachers, they are being wooed by the siren songs of lovely words and emotions. Churches are offering more studies on books that talk about the Bible - or not - in lieu of the Bible itself.  People are flocking to movies about the Bible instead of testing them against what the Scriptures actually say, not caring the least about the error that abounds.  The excuse is that they are conversation starters.  Start with the actual Word if you want to have conversation.

Church leaders are marking and ostracizing those who sound the shofar and attempt to point out the wolves pushing their way into the fold.  Many leaders would much rather shush their flocks into compliance and complacency for the sake of staying together rather than call a spade a spade and risk dividing their churches.  Many leaders would rather market to the masses rather than lie at the door of the pen and detect even the scent of a wolf outside. Christians
 who do perform their own background checks and try to warn others are becoming refugees.  

Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law..."  Matthew 10:34-35.  Talk about a divisive troublemaker! If Jesus spoke those words today (which He has because His Word is eternal), the PC police would be all over Him.  He is not interested in community for the sake of community.  (He is also not interested in picking a fight.)  He is interested in those who are willing to stay true to His Word.   The numbers are rapidly dwindling.

I read more fluff on Facebook from professing Christians rather than Scripture itself. Lots of it is cotton candy about self:  "I have it in me to do what it takes."  Isn't this what got Satan cast out of Heaven and Adam and Eve the Garden?  "Today the Lord wants to tell you that the trouble you have been having is about to come to an end."  "Share this post and you will get a big sum of money!"  Actually, Jesus promised me the opposite."These things I have spoken unto you , that in Me you might have peace.  In the world you shall have tribulation:  but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  John 16:33.  My stability is in Him in the midst of the trouble He said would surely come. 

When Nehemiah returned from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall, he gave specific orders.  "Those who built the wall and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other hand a weapon."  (Nehemiah 4:17)  They had to work with weapons in hand because they had mockers and scoffers who tried to undermine their work - and who were not part of the team.  They were outsiders commissioned by the devil himself to try to put a stop to the Lord's work.  Many of today's mockers and scoffers should not be coming from inside the Church - but they are.  The weapons are being pointed at one another rather than the true enemy who has crept in because people aren't paying attention.  

A couple years ago I contacted a prominant Christian book sales company to call them out on the many heretical titles they were peddling.  I asked them if they truly paid attention to how these authors were not in line with Scripture.  The response?  "We want to offer as much as possible and not offend."  I said, "So you're more worried about offending people than offending God?"  My words fell to the ground.  Walk into any Christian book store and you will find more carnival fare than meat, and even that must be hunted down.

Several years ago, a pastor challenged me with these words:  Do you read the Bible for what it says or for what you want it to say?  From that point on, I became - by the grace of God - more concerned about what the Word actually says than the opinions of men.  Now, however, according to many brothers and sisters in Christ, I have become a trouble maker who is too obsessed with discernment.  

My apologies to the person who coined this as I don't know who it is so I cannot give credit where credit is due, but I love this.  "Love isn't always truthful, and Truth isn't always loving."  

We have to press on.  We cannot be remiss in continuing to sound the shofar.  If I love people as Christ tells me to, I will continue to send out the warnings along with my brothers and sisters in Christ who are interested in walking carefully and patiently possessing their souls.  (Luke 21:19)

"You will be hated by everyone because of Me, but those who stand firm to the end will be saved."  Matthew 10:22

I am sharing a link to an article by Warren B. Smith who well understands the times we are in.


  1. I love your post Hilary, but I do disagree with your quote. I think the truth is loving... Though it may be incredibly painful, when we receive it, it brings forth life. Some of my sweetest memories have been of people caring enough about me to tell me the truth.

  2. Barbara, thank you for your post! You are right. The Truth is always loving, but it may not sound loving to people who want feel good all the time. I think that's what it's referring to. Giving people the reality of Heaven and hell may not sound like love to those who abhore the Truth.
